News for December 2012

RIP Luke Rainey, Colorist Extraordinaire…

Colorist Luke Rainey passed away this morning after a long battle with health problems.
I personally worked with Luke in 2001 on Band of Brothers and again in 2006 on Earth. From the first time I met him he struck me as the most authoritative colourist I’d ever met, and was able to truly make the colour correction process about artistic sensibilities as opposed to purely technical ones. He had the technicalities nailed too, and worked on a variety of systems from the Pogle to the Nucoda, Baselight, and Lustre. He could determine the colour temperature of a patch of wall just by looking at it, and he always got the “best” results (i.e., the ones the client’s didn’t know they wanted) on every film that was lucky enough to have him. He even mentored one of my good friends who then went on to become a great colourist in his own right.
So long, Luke, and here’s hoping the art of colour correction doesn’t leave with you.
Posted: December 18th, 2012
Categories: News
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